Mortgage Broking
Mortgage Broking is a tough industry filled with long hours, complex processes and constant change to products and regulation. As a result, many mortgage brokers face one or more of the following challenges:
Your daily workflow is filled with time consuming tasks such as:
Following up lenders and solicitors
CRM data entry and client document management
Annual pricing reviews and property reports
Does your lead generation put you in a position to grow your loan book, however you can't justify the cost of an Australian admin assistant, even part-time?
If you are using highly paid Australian admin staff to assist, have you begun to notice it's no longer as cost effective due to regulatory and compliance changes?​
TalentBridge Coworker provides mortgage broking administration assistants located in the Philippines. A flexible staffing solution empowers brokers to focus on growing their loan book whilst the day to day administration functions are delivered with quality and at a price point which makes sense.
All of our mortgage broker administration assistants have previously worked for an Australian mortgage broker ensuring your assistant hits the ground running from day one.
We provide flexible options supporting both part-time and full-time contractors allowing you to determine how much assistance is required.
We advise how to best structure your mortgage processes to support a combined local and overseas delivery model.
Our mortgage broking administration assistants integrate into your daily workflow to complete a range of tasks spanning:

Experienced mortgage broking professionals are the key to realising a successful offshore engagement. Benefits include faster onboarding, greater productivity and a wider variety of tasks which can be completed.
With TalentBridge, you will always receive an experienced contractor.
Send us the job description for the role you are looking to fill
We'll send you candidates and you'll choose who to interview and hire
We take care of your new workers HR, payroll, time sheeting and invoice you in $AU monthly
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L35, 100 Barangaroo Ave
Sydney NSW 2000